Saturday, November 14, 2009

Had a tooth extraction yesterday morning...can I smoke yet?

My back tooth, not my wisdon tooth but the last tooth on my bottom right jaw was taken out yesterday morning at around 8:30 am. Now it's 8 pm the next day, about 36 hours now, and I have not smoked once since then. It's been so hard, but I've heard about dry socket and I really, really don't want it.

I stayed on my painkillers all day yesterday, but didn't even need them today. It doesn't even hurt at all, and there's no puffiness in the side of my face.I've been checking my clot periodically with a little booklight, yesteday it was big and red but it's slowly gone down and now most of the extraction site is covered in a plaque film, but underneath it I can still see some really dark clot. It looks good, and it feels fine.

I've rinsed once with salt water, and that didn't hurt. My doctor said to abstain completely from smoking for 24 hours, and then after 24 hours I could resume smoking. It's been a little longer, but I'm not it all right now? There's no more pain...

Had a tooth extraction yesterday morning...can I smoke yet?
Take it easy, you do not want a dry socket. I used to smoke and I know what your feeling. I experienced dry socket because I smoked to soon, and believe me it ain't worth it.
Reply:You should purchase Scope or Listerine Mouthwash.
Reply:Trust me, you do NOT want dry socket! My husband got it some years ago when he had a wisdom tooth removed and he was in terrible pain for months. He had to keep going back and forth to the peridontist for treatment for it.

Get a nicotine patch if you need a cig so badly.
Reply:i waited a few days... my dentist said no smoking, drinking through straws, or solid food for 48 hours.
Reply:You need to let the wound heal a bit longer...Though it's been 24 hours, just give it one more day. still do the water and salt once again...better safe then sorry by catching an infection...
Reply:No you can't smoke you will get dry socket, I would wait a couple days. It never fails the minute someone lights up, they are in the next day with extreme pain. I used to be an oral surgery asst so i have seen this numerous times.
Reply:It might not be a good idea to smoke considering that may be the reason why you had to get the tooth extracted. But, you might want to wait another day for the gum to heal.
Reply:yeah i had dry socket, you dont want to risk it. my suggestion is wait at least another 12 hours. and then think about how you just went 2 days without smoking and you might as well just try to quit. after 2 more days the physical urge will be almost gone. then start putting the $5 a day or whatever you spent aside in a jar. in no time you'll have enough money for a shiny new gold tooth!
Reply:I had a tooth extracted about a year ago. Dr. also said to wait 24 hrs. before smoking. I had one cigarette about 7 hours later, just before going to bed. By morning I was smoking normally. I didn't get dry socket. But, I'm sure everyone is a little different. That was my experience. Besides, 24 hrs???? not me. Most likely you would be fine. If you are really that concerned, call your doctor and ask why he mentioned the 24 hrs and how long it takes for dry socket to set in if it does. Good luck to ya!
Reply:Congrads on not smoking for so long, I would have never made it that long. Dry sockets suck, but if it's been 24 hours you're probably ready to have an nice smoke, gently

Dry socket is incredibly painful, so you are smart to fear it. If you must have a smoke, and still want to protect the clot, dampen a bit of gauze and gently pack the extraction site in order to smoke. Do NOT pack it with dry gauze. It is possible to pull out the clot with the gauze. Do NOT pack the gauze down hard and bite it for the same reason.

If I were a smoker I'd gently protect the clot with the dampened gauze and then smoke gently for a minimal time . . . .if I really wanted to be healthy, I'd continue not smoking. Hey, you already made it more than 24 hours, right? That's the toughest time, I've heard. I have incredible respect for someone trying to quit. It's difficult on both a physiological level and it's comforting habit.

FYI smoking does constrict the blood vessels and decreases the circulation, inhibiting the healing process (it also causes wrinkling) You probably already know all this.

Congratulations on making it this long!

Good luck!
Reply:The problem is if you smoke too many. One would not hurt but could you do one and stop for 6 hours and have another and stop for 6 hours. If your doctor said 24 hours, it should be OK as long as you realize he did not mean one or two cigarettes an hour, but to start in extreme moderation. I don't smoke but if I did I would have one rather than be anxious about it.

Reply:Its time u took a smoke then, i always light one after i leave the surgeons chair, just listerine and use teabags and gargle with salt and applecider vinegar.
Reply:Sorry to hear you are feeling this way---I understand your addiction to the smoking is appearing to drive you crazy---CAN YOU TRY THE Nicotine PATCH?

If you could stop OBVIOUSLY this would be the safest and best for you in general. Smokers tend to have continued problems w/their teeth and gums---and obviously their total health (lungs, heart attach--disease etc).

Take the WARNINGS from all of the concerned people who answered you --and really think about it before you light up.

NOT A GOOD IDEA--As a couple of other's have said, this is a great time to quit-- you have made it 24 hrs!!!! YAHOO--no, seriously-- that is really good---

If you have to do the smoke thing---do the patch thing instead---Don't RISK IT-- and your doctor said 24 hrs. probably because a.) he knew what a heavy smoker you were; b.) you might of heard it incorrectly??? You need several days and the longer you wait the higher the chances you allow your body to heal (seal and clot) smoking does not allow the healing process to begin--it prolongs it and can cause more problems---PLEASE LISTEN TO THE WARNINGS AND KEEP AWAY from smoking.

Patch if you need to get the nicotine.

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