Monday, November 16, 2009

I had a traumatic tooth extraction a week ago and its still really hurting.?

I had penicillin just before but the toothache didn't get better. The dentist wasn't sure which tooth it was so I got him to take out the one I thought it was. This took about an hour and the dentist said it was usually much easier. My root was bent and he had to ram an instrument right up my gum to break it away from the bone. I needed extra anasthetic because he was going so high. I have had loads of awful dental work in the past but this was by far the worst. After, I saw %26amp; felt something hard (and was in agony) and went to the emergency dentist who x-rayed it and saw a large piece of bone there. She said my symptoms were due to a very traumatic extraction. She gave me metrozinadole which should have cleared it up but it didn't. I have been taking loads of very strong pain meds (much more than I should) but I am still in agony. I wake up every night and can't sleep until I take more tablets.Should I be in so much pain?Would it be better if I had the bone removed? When will pain go?

I had a traumatic tooth extraction a week ago and its still really hurting.?
It could be a dry socket. They are very very painful
Reply:it could be a dry socket like person above says when a tooth is removed it leaves a clot but sometimes the clot disapears so it very sore had same problem last yr also bits of tooth will slowly move through gums and come out ,where you told to rinse with warm salty water to as its ment to help take some painkillers and hopefully it wont be to bad ,did u have a few days pain free then pain that could indicate a dry socket
Reply:I really feel for you-what a horrid experience-I had a molar out a month ago-it took 5 mins and my dentist was great-and I dread dental treatment.

If I was you-I would go and see a different dentist if you can-asap.

It will probably be fine-and just take more time to heal as it was such a long extraction-but a second proeffesional opinion would put your mind at rest.

Also-they can prescribe you safe effective painkillers.

Hope you feel much better soon.
Reply:I wouldn't go back to the first dentist but I would see a dentist because that doesn't sound right. Maybe you have an infection under the gum. Is there an emergency dental hospital you can go to or a dental school (practioners are very closely supervised by experts in the field). If not, I would ask friends or colleagues if they can recommend a good dentist. Don't suffer with the pain.
Reply:Omg, this sounds awful. First of all, although it's no help to be wise after the event, your dentist should not have carried out this sort of work without having given you an x-ray, so you may want to consider changing him/her in the future when you have got this sorted out.

I'm wondering if you have a dental hospital in your area you may be able to get a referral to?

Also, chewing a whole clove or two can help temporarily with the pain.

Best of luck to you anyway, sorry I can't be more helpful.

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