Friday, May 21, 2010

Rinsing after tooth extraction??

Hi guys

My dad recently had a tooth extracted and was told he couldn't rinse his mouth even with water, was bleeding a lot so had to keep spitting out the blood all the way home (sorry to be grim).

Does this sound right to anyone, I can't believe it myself, dentist didn't explain why and was quite arrogant.

Advice appreciated

thanks x

Rinsing after tooth extraction??
It's probably so he will form a clot. I think he can rinse, just have him do it gently. Also like the other person suggested use warm salt water--%26gt; 1/2 tsp. salt to 1 c. warm water.
Reply:thats sounds absurd, when i got my tooth extracted for braces y dentist just said do what you normally do rinse etc.

i'm pretty sure he can rinse with water but you could also try mouth wash
Reply:to stop the bleeding use a tea bag, i have used that several times from my dentist. And he always told me to rinse with salted water. Works well.
Reply:You're not to rinse briskly, a slow swish over the extraction hole with warm, salty water is best. He's also not to use a straw for the next several days (the pressure will remove the clot from the plugged hole) or eat anything hard.

Is my reaction to tooth extraction normal? & what happens with a bridge?

i had a tooth next to the front teeth removed yesterday as it got broken and was loose. it was very quick and i didnt feel it. but my gum and the teeth surrounding are saw. there also feels to be a 'bubble' in the gap, if you know what i mean. im a complete idiot %26amp; wuss and daren't look in the mirror. it doesnt hurt alot. but i wondered if this was normal and how long the sawness would last.

also, in about 4-6 weeks im going back to have a bridge fixed, but what does this actually entail?

Is my reaction to tooth extraction normal? %26amp; what happens with a bridge?
A bubble in the gap? Maybe just a blood clot? Whatever, it is not likely to be of concern

The wound will take more than 4-6 weeks to heal fully. It would be OK to get a *temporary* bridge at that stage, but a *permanent* replacement should be delayed for about 12 weeks. If you make a permanent bridge too soon before healing is complete, then a gap will later appear under the new bridge. Not very attractive.
Reply:The "bubble" sounds like a blood clot, try to aviod drinking anything hot, as this will encourage the clot to bleed and if you do feel any discomfort just take your normal pain killers, dont take Asprins as these thin the blood and will also encourage bleeding.

The sawness should ease within the next couple of days, washing out your mouth will a small glass of warm salty water will help keep your mouth clean and wash out any debris which may gather in the socket of the extracted tooth.

As for the Bridge, this procedure is pretty simple, the dentist will drill down the opposing teeth and take a mould of your upper/lower jaw, this is then sent away to a lab and returns about a week-2 weeks later when the dentist fits it.

It's not as bad as it sounds and you'll be fine, good luck!
Reply:It does take time for your mouth to heal and will feel "funny" Remember to gently rinse your mouth out after eating. A bridge is what it says 2 anchors either side of gap and a "tooth" in the middle.An impression will be taken of your mouth and this will be sent away ,made in to a model of your mouth with a type of plaster,then your bridge will be modelled on the plaster model of your mouth for a good fit.

Pain and process of a tooth extraction?

I know you get administered with local anesthesia, but I am still worried about getting a permanent tooth extracted (I'm only 15) and a baby tooth extracted, which doesn't have a permanent tooth under it and isn't loose. I'm not worried about the pain of the needle, but I'm scared about if loosening my permanent tooth and pulling it out will actually hurt even with it numb. I wasn't so scared at first but I asked my mom and she said that the numbing doesn't help.

Pain and process of a tooth extraction?
First off you need to ask your dentist any questions you might have. I had a molar extracted last year.I'll go over the process:first they will call you back to the room,second the dentist will come in with the numbing shot,next the dentist will inject you with the numbing cream after that you will have to wait about 5 minutes while the numbing medicine takes effect,after that the dentist will get these type of forceps and gently start to apply pressure then he/she will put more and more pressure until the tooth comes out but at the same time he will rock it back and forth.Then the dentist will do the same to the other tooth but I am not sure if he will have to give you two shots.After he has pulled out both teeth you will have to hold gauze on both places where the teeth where.After a while they will stop bleeding and you may be having some discomfort so you can take some Advil ibuprofen etc....

I hope all goes well!!!!
Reply:The numbing absolutely helps. I didn't feel a thing when I had a tooth extracted.

Are you sure you heard your mom right?
Reply:The local anaesthesia should be effective if the dentist is doing her job properly. You'll probably only feel some tugging. It'll be important that you discuss this with her before the procedure, she should help remove your fears!

Dentists have also been known to inject more anaesthesia during the procedure if needed, so if you feel pain be sure to shout out, but I don't think I need to tell you that!

What's more likely is that you'll have some discomfort afterwards, so painkillers will be needed then.
Reply:I have had a lot of teeth out, and if you have an injection it is really quick and easy and doesn't hurt. It is easier than having a filling.
Reply:The numbing helps! I have had 2 teeth pulled. It is not bad. It might be a little tender after, so take some Aleve or Tylno--sp? LOLl!
Reply:when i had mine token out, (i had to get 4 out, but my dentist only took 2 out at a time) i honestly didn't feel a thing. i didn't even know he pulled it out. you'll just feel some tugging and pulling and that's it. no pain.

After a tooth extraction when can i drink?

I have just had an infected tooth pulled out. When can I drink some water?

After a tooth extraction when can i drink?
You can drink right after the extraction, avoid drinking with a straw as resulting pressure tend to dislodge the clot which is necessary for healing.
Reply:You can drink water right away. Just stay away from using straws for a few days.
Reply:you can drink right away, i was eating chinese food and pizza about a our after i got 4 wisdom teeth pulled. I experienced no pain at all.

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Anyone ever had complications after tooth extraction like damage & extraction of other teeth?

I had ma upper tooth extracted 3 weeks ago %26amp; now the one next to it is sensative %26amp; hurts when biting on %26amp; taping, dentist say this also might need to be extracted but its no abcess or anything so what kind of damage is it that it has be taken out, anyone?

Anyone ever had complications after tooth extraction like damage %26amp; extraction of other teeth?
The dentist can often leverage on that remaining tooth in the removal of another tooth. The will cause swelling of the ligament and pain to pressure . I would give the area a little time before you make another extraction appointment. (6 weeks minimum for the internal swelling to go down) The other thing that happens, is all of the biting pressure that used to be shared by two teeth is now all coming down on one tooth. This can piss off the tooth. Ask your dentist to check and adjust the bite on the remaining tooth to see if that calms down the ligament.

Good luck
Reply:Certainly damage can be done to an adjacent tooth while a tooth is being extracted. As the dentist is trying to loosen the tooth, he/she must try not to put pressure on the adjacent tooth. Also, any fillings on an adjacent tooth can be inadvertently loosened or broken .

You say this tooth is not abscessed or anything. Has there been any bone lost around the tooth? Gum disease and loss of bone support can result in the loss of a perfectly healthy tooth.

Upper front tooth extraction?

Where does the dentist give the shot at to numb the area when having an upper front tooth extracted?

Upper front tooth extraction?
It will probably be a palatal injection-the roof of your mouth. Maybe one above the tooth.

Bleeding after tooth extraction?

I had a wisdom tooth at the top right taken out yesterday morning, and by and large everything has been fine.

My only concern is that the gum is still bleeding, albeit very very little. If I spit into the sink, there's a tiny amount of blood there. I can't taste blood in my mouth, nor is any visible when I open wide and take a look.

How long does this kind of bleeding continue, and is there a point at which I should be worried?

Bleeding after tooth extraction?
Dont panic, this is fairly common after having an extraction, when your tooth is extracted a blood clot forms over the socket, if you drink anything hot it will disturb the clot and bleeding will occur, bear in mind that the blood will mix with your own saliva and this will make it look as though there is a lot more blood.

If this continues try placing a bit of wet kitchen towel over the socket, this will soak up any blood, dont use cotton wool as this will get stuck in the socket and can be messy and unpleasant.

If you have serious blood loss contact the dentist and he/she will check that everything is OK.

Is it ok? Tooth extraction?

After I had my tooth extracted and the tooth stopped four to five hours later. I gargled with hydrogen peroxide. I've been on antibiotics which have unfortunately given me a yeast infection that I cant do anything about because im not done with the medication..and Ive been gargling with mouth wash since. Was the hydrogen peroxide a good move? Should I have done that? when will this damn thing heal. I got it done Friday afternoon.

Is it ok? Tooth extraction?
first of all ring up your dentist for some advice, your not suposed to gargle with anything untill 24hrs after an extraction and your only supposed to use salt walter washes as far as i know.
Reply:gargling is should start feeling better very soon..And you can go to the store and get monastic3 for your yeast infection..
Reply:I don't think gargling with hydrogen peroxide is a good idea at all after an extraction!! The more you swish around in there, the more likely you are to disturb the blood clot which needs to be there in order for the hole to heal. Call your dentist ASAP for advice on that one.

Whatever you do- continue to take the antibiotics until they are gone. That is very important.

For the yeast infection, you can buy something OTC. Or call your regular dr and explain what's going on- maybe he/she will give you a rx for diflucan. It's a pill you take once to cure the yeast infection. You can try eating lots of yogurt and/or taking acidopholis pills but if you already have a full blown yeast infection, it probably won't work. (for future reference- I stock up on yogurt as soon as I know I'm going to be on antibiotics. I have a bottle of acidopholis pills in the fridge too. But those only work as a preventative measure)

Good luck- I hope everything is back to normal soon.

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Root Canal or Tooth Extraction and Health. Does any doctor have an opinion regarding chronic health problems?

I had a root canal in 1998. Retreatment one month ago The infection was prfound. I thought I would feel better after the root canl. Ringing in my ears for over six months and thought that the root canal would help alleviate the problem. I also have had muscular pain in right arm (which is the side of the molar in question. The MD prior to the root canal thought I had fibromyalgia. When the infection was released I immediately felt better. However, I did get worse healthwise since the infection was outside the tooth.. I have had dizzy spells and some cognitive problems. There is so much on the internet regarding controversies in root canals and its impact on your overall health. I do not know whether to finish the root canal procedure or have my tooth pulled. The endodontist indicated that a resdiual infection can take as long as two years to rid itself from the body. I have read about the mercury problem in root canals. Are their any professionals who can offer opinions?

Root Canal or Tooth Extraction and Health. Does any doctor have an opinion regarding chronic health problems?
I strongly disagree with the coment above. No one can say weather a RCT was done the right way or the wrong way based on a narrative description.

How does the answerer even know a Root Canal was Done. Patients often misunderstand treatment even when it is spoken in their own native tongue.

I can't count the number of time a patient has said "I had a root canal last year. yet on the X-ray there is no evidence of an root canal ever being done. Patients misidentify Pulpal Therapy (pulpectomy) with Root Canals. they go to the dentist. The dentist is busy talking in dental tongue and he or she nods and goes home. They go in with pain, go home out of pain, " oh , yeah must have been a root canal."

that said. Even the best Root canals even fail, done by the best Specialist. You can't say so %26amp; so did wrong based on the patients impression.

As far as this question is concerned. If you have had it retreated and you are still having problems with it. then yes you need to seek additional consultation with an MD.

A few years ago, I had a patient presented with a tooth infection in the upper jaw. We did the RCT. pain went away then came back. He ended up in the hospital 1 month later on IV Antibiotics. The pulled the tooth and symptoms seemed to subside. I'm think Oh **** what did I miss. Anyway, later he went back to us in pain again. After a third look by a specialist, it turned out he has brain cancer and survived. So, You never know what is going on, especially here, in this forum.
Reply:I would definitely see your physician and perhaps a neurologist about the pain you're feeling. If a tooth infection has been present for a long time, it will usually spread in between the muscles in your jaw and down your neck via fascial planes because these are the paths or least resistance. There are several fascial layers surrounding areas near your spine as well, and if the infection has gotten in there, swelling may irritate or impinge on the cervical spinal nerves going to your arm.

As for mercury and root canals, I'm not sure what issues there are since mercury isn't used in most root canal procedures. Normally, the pulp is removed, the canal is shaped/cleaned with files, irrigated with bleach, and then filled with a sealer and rubber (gutta percha). The sealer is made from eugenol(an alchohol that's reponsible for that clove smell you find at a dentist office) and zinc oxide.
Reply:The reason you had to go through a retreatment was because the dentist who did the first one did not do it the right way. An RCT must be done to perfection to ensure the survival of the tooth. Did the ringing in the ears and the pain in right arm might be due to the infection (abscess, most likely) pressing a nerve. If these symptoms have been released after the retreatment, you have nothing to worry about. Trust your dentist, but also know exactly what he is doing. Mercury is not used in root canal filling, either silver or, more commonly, GP points (made of inert wax substance) are used. Residual infections may take a long time to heal, since they are enclosed in a bone. They should not have flare ups if the RCT is done right.

Can a recent tooth extraction and infected tooth (being treated with prescribed antibiotics) cause a toothache

a friend of mine had a tooth pullled on tuesday and now she has a fever..could these be related??

Can a recent tooth extraction and infected tooth (being treated with prescribed antibiotics) cause a toothache
It shouldn't be, especially if she's on antibiotics.

Stitch came out of wisdom tooth extraction?

I had my right wisdom tooth taken out on friday. it is now monday and i was brushing my teeth as directed and when i went to spit a stitch came out. There is a gap and a persistant odor coming from the site. I have swelling and little to no pain. Oh and there is no bleeding.Can this become dry socket? is it normal? what should i do besides contact my dentist?

Stitch came out of wisdom tooth extraction?
They will dissolve on their own however, 3 days is too soon to come out. Its unusual that it would come out- did you drink out of a straw or chew gum or taffy? The smell is bacteria and the start of an infection and yes it can become a dry socket. Call the surgeon and they'll get you right in to restitch the area. Good luck.
Reply:go suck a lemon with diarehha topping

How long after tooth extraction can I have coffee?

this is actually my 4th extraction but every other time i didn't drink coffee. (previous was #15, #8, and #9 (7,8,9,10 is a bridge)

Yesterday at 9:45 am i had number 18 extracted. Healing is going well it seems to have clotted well with no signs of dry socket. minimal post extraction pain or swelling all of which have subsided at this point.

i am wondering if it would be okay to have a cup of coffee now. i don't drink it very hot, with cream and artificial sugar or if i should wait if so how long?

How long after tooth extraction can I have coffee?
Go ahead, just don't drink it through a straw and try not to drink extremely hot coffee. The big things are straws, smoking/tobacco, and carbonated beverages. Oh yeah, and no forceful spitting. Tea and coffee are okay.
Reply:i truly have no idea! you probably need to ask your dentist!
Reply:Drink the coffee, but forget the sweetener.....that stuff will kill you!
Reply:drink it with a straw and bypass the teeth
Reply:did you get percocet???

NO? that sucks. Only thing that makes it worth going to the dentist. next time tell him you are in severe pain and enjoy.
Reply:Should be okay. Just rinse mouth with water when you're done drinking the coffee. Enjoy.
Reply:It's ok to drink after 24 hrs. I just had my wisdoms pulled out this year and I dranked cocoa after 24 hrs. to the hr.after the extration was done. It's BETTER yet after 48 hrs.
Reply:I would wait at least another day. Dry sockets can happen three days after the extraction. I had that happen to me , and I didn't drink anything hot or didn't even smoke. Caffeine does cause the blood vessels to dilate.
Reply:I had it done this year and I used a piece of gauze when i drank coffee and took it out after I was done and then rinsed it with warm salt water and mine healed just fine
Reply:You can drink coffee as soon at the sedation has stopped working. Your nerves will indicate if the coffee it too hot or not. The Coffee itself doesn't infect. So there shouldn't be a problem. Best though is just to ask your dentist. He knows the complete details and only he can judge all effects. So asking the question here is dangerous. even my answer isn't 100% sure. There might be a special situation I don't know.

So again, ask your dentist. he knows.
Reply:You can drink the coffee, just not too hot and be careful of the extraction site. You should NOT drink with a straw. The reason being is that when you drink through a straw you create negative pressure within your mouth which has a possibilty of dislodging the clot from the extraction site, possibily leading to dry socket. If you get a little coffee in your site it's not going to kill you. There are far worse bacteria floating in around your mouth already.
Reply:YOu are fine to drink coffee just as long as it is not too hot and you are not drinking it out of a straw. Good luck!

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Bleeding with wisdom tooth!!!?

I had my bottom wisdom tooth taken out today, at the dentist, and he said it didnt really need a stitch, but the bleeding has got worse, and over the socket it has formed a massive jelly like clot. Is this normal?? Also i have slight pain on swallowing. I cannot eat anything as my whole jaw has stiffened too. I didnt think it would be this bad after! x

Bleeding with wisdom tooth!!!?
If there is a clot there try not to disturb it, this is the first part of the healing process and if the clot is dislodged not only can it start bleeding again but can increase your chances of developing a dry socket.

If you find it does bleed again roll up a clean handkerchief or damp towel and bite down for a full 20 min, dont take it out every few mins, you need to apply constant pressure for 20 min, if not stopped repeat this for another 20 min, if again after this second full 20min of constant pressure you find its still bleeding then you may have to go to a + e or contact your dentist depending on the time of day, avoid tissue as this will only stick to the clot.

your jaw will be stiff prob coz you were open fairly wide and for a longer period of time than normal, pin on swallowing is prob due to the wound in your mouth being so far back, i would recommend that you take Ibuprofen for the next few days, this is the best painkiller for dental pain and it is also an anti-inflammatory painkiller meaning it will help reduce inflammation and swelling, follow instructions on packet do not exceed the max daily dose, usually 6 x 200mg tabs also only take ibuprofen if you are not asthmatic and dont have any stomach problems.

last thing from the day after getting your tooth out use hot salty mouth was after every meal if possible to keep the area nice and clean
Reply:The clot is what blood does to form a plug to prevent further bleeding, DO NOT remove it. Yes it is not a minor thign to have a wisdom tooth out, and it can be very painful for several days. Just watch out for infection and gargle with salty warm water every so often.
Reply:Quite normal. As the previous respondent has said gargle with a mouth wash or salt solution. Two or three days you won't notice it.
Reply:That's normal. Give it a day or so and then start rinsing with salty water. Take some Ibuprofen to reduce the swelling and deal with the pain, and go to bed.
Reply:The clot means that the bleeding should be stopping by now, leave it alone. It's tempting to stick your tongue in there but please don't dislodge it. If you do, and it starts bleeding again, place a wad of tissue paper over the socket and bite down really hard. If it still continues to bleed heavily see an emergency dentist - your local A%26amp;E will refer you straight away.
Reply:gargle with some water with a little bit of salt in it, this will clean the wound. do not prod the gum at all.

if you have a bit of cotton wool roll it up till it is like a cigarette and put that onto you gum and press down gently using your not press too hard though.
Reply:Yeah thats normal, try not to poke at it with our tongue(although its your instict to!) Rinse it with warm salty water a few times a day. You'll be fine!
Reply:yes gargle with aspirin that will help with the pain and the swelling and if it is bleeding put a peace of rolled up paper towel onto the hole and bite hard on it for about 10mins this will then stop the bleeding do not drink very hot or very cold drinks as this will start the bleeding just drink slightly warm drinks

My boyfriend had a bad tooth extraction with a jaw bone fracture. Will it heal alright?

My boyfriend had his bottom 2 wisdom teeth pulled last week. The 1st tooth pulled easy %26amp; the 2nd 1 took an hr. The dentist (30 yrs exp) had to cut it since it was fused to the bone but wasn't rooted. The tooth was hard %26amp; 1 of the biggest the dentist has seen. During the cutting he slipped with the saw %26amp; cut into the gum along the other teeth. My bf felt horrible pain %26amp; then after getting it cut he accidently grabbed a nerve. A few hrs later my bf got up %26amp; ran into the bathroom %26amp; had about 7 mouthfuls of blood come out %26amp; it wouldn't stop. He called the dentist %26amp; he told him it was normal. The bleeding went on for 3 hours and his lips %26amp; face were white with extreme pain. He went in Mon. %26amp; the nurse checked it out %26amp; when she pulled his check back it opened more than it should. The swelling was down %26amp; my bf looked %26amp; noticed his jaw was split from the hole up along his other teeth 2" long %26amp; the bone would spread open. He has been having horrible pain when eating %26amp; tastes the bone marrow.

My boyfriend had a bad tooth extraction with a jaw bone fracture. Will it heal alright?
we cant say anything without extra oral and intra oral examination. Some wisdom tooth are difficult to remove. If u ve any doudt dont hesitate to consult with another dentist and seek the opinion. If there is any bone fracture u can confirm it from radiograph.

Wisdom tooth extraction question?

I had oral surgery to get a wisdom tooth out yesterday. At night I had a glass of milk but probably drank it too fast bc I got very strong pain afterwards, so I called my dentist, he told me it was probably the blood clot that got dislodged. Does anyone know what happens if the blood clot gets dislodged?

Wisdom tooth extraction question?
If it is a continuous, deep-seated, throbbing kind of pain, then you probably are suffering from dry socket due to loss of blood clot, exposing the the bony surface of your socket which is extremely sensitive. It is however, not associated with any infection. I suggest you go back to your dentist to have your socket cleaned and dressed (usually with alveogel). Meanwhile, maintain a good oral hygiene as well, this will accelerate the healing of your socket. =)
Reply:you bleed for a bit then another clot forms to fill the hole that the tooth came from.
Reply:Yeah I had all 4 of mine taken out about 2 years ago and let me tell you it was the worst pain everrr..... If the blood clot comes unlodged it will just form another blood clot so not to worry just make sure you have your stock of vicotin for the pain!
Reply:Normally it will cause some more bleeding and delay the healing process.

Suggest you eat some ice cream. In fact, as much as you like and move a bit to that section of your mouth where the extraction wound is located. The coldness will help blood clotting and healing.

Premolar tooth extraction?

How long should it take for a premolar extraction to completely heal ? And is it normal that if you suck on the healing-over gum where the socket is to get a tangy bitter taste ?

Premolar tooth extraction?
It will take about a month to feel a lot better, and about 3 months to be completely healed.

Do not suck over the socket as you will interfere with the healing process and you may dislodge a blood clot which is all part of the healing process.

After having an extraction you can have a range of weird tastes - that's normal. It could be the medicine the dentist has put in the keep it clean or sometimes they use disolvable gauze or solvable stitches.

Try not to mess with it! Contact your dentist if you begin to get any toothache in that area - apart from that be patient - it will heal and all weird tastes will go - i promise!
Reply:it takes about 1 month to be completely healed.
Reply:initial healing would occur around 2 days, this mean that there would be no more bleeding, a matrix has formed within the extraction site though there would still be wound, it would be less painful.

complete healing wherein a new layer of tissue has regenerated would take about 3 weeks or more depending on your body's capability to regenerate tissue.

i suggest you take vitamin C after you stop you pain medication, vit c promotes and speeds up wound healing.
Reply:about two weeks
Reply:Don't suck on the healing area! Your dentist may have placed a medication inside the socket where your tooth was extracted. Depending on the medication, you could get a bad taste.

For the first and second day, you want to focus on avoiding anything that creates a suction in your mouth, such as drinking from a straw, smoking, spitting hard and swishing. Any of these actions can dislodge the blood clot that protects the socket, much like a band aid. If the blood clot does get removed, you will have what is called a Dry socket. It is very painful to have one and you will need to see your dentist to have him treat it.

As far as the time for healing, it normally takes 3 weeks.
Reply:well when i got mine done it took about 3 days.

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Infected Tooth Extraction?

Today I will be going to the dentist to have a tooth pulled. I have already been once and they told me that it was infected, and gave me some antibiotics. The day (at this time night) has finally come to where I need to get it pulled, but it still feels painful... I am a hypochondriac so I am terribly worried about this entire situation. The dentist I go to does not put you to sleep. They only use numbing meds.... Any advice as how I should calm down. Better yet... Anyone been through this???

Infected Tooth Extraction?
I've had three teeth infected at one time and two weeks ago I had 7 extracted. I had the sedation but it didnt do anything. I thought the numbing wouldnt be enough but it was. It lasted all day. They apply a topical anesthetic so you dont feel the injection. The injection takes a little while to work but once it does, you wont feel a thing. It's really not as bad as what I thought it was going to be. Since then, Ive been numbed twice for scaling and fillings. Everytime the numbing has lasted for at least 6 hours. Just make sure to follow the instructions after so you dont get dry socket.

Wisdom tooth extraction question...?

Ok, I went and got a wisdom tooth extracted this morning. I feel better but I am scared to eat anything!!! I am also scared about taking the gauze out. They told me that I would have to be careful as not to loosen the clot forming in the socket or I will be in pain. I am so scared that is going to happen. How do I start feeling more comfortable about it and quit worrying so much about it? And when should I be able to eat without worry?? Thanks!!

Wisdom tooth extraction question...?
i think they mean don't just rip the gauze out because it could be attached to the clotting. Try getting the gauze saturated with warm water and it should come out easier. I don't recall it sticking when I had all 4 of mine out. I had them pulled at 10:00 in the morning and was eating pizza at 5:00 for dinner. You'll figure out how to chew with just your front teeth easy enough. there really is no pain after because there is nothing there. It's your imagination. The sooner you take the gauze out the sooner you'll feel more comfortable. Right now it is the unknown that is scaring you.
Reply:Soup for a day. Don't use any straws and don't smoke. Both of these factors will definitely give you dry socket and it's your worse night mare.
Reply:you can eat as soon as the novacaine wears off. that way you wont bite up your cheeks or tongue because if you cant feel them thats what will happen. eating is fine after that just dont smoke or drink from a straw the suction of doing these things is what can cause dry socket thats all they were talking about. and dont spit either.
Reply:Make sure to take alot of the vicaden that they prescribed you. If they say take 1 every 4 hours then make sure to take 2. You can eat liquid foods, but be very careful. I would wait for atleast 4-5 hours before eating.
Reply:You generally only need to keep the gauze in for about two hours at most. Eat liquids and soft foods (but nothing too hot). You could have things like noodles, mashed potatoes, basically anything you can "chew" by mashing against the roof of your mouth with your tongue. At the office, they should have told you (or whoever brought you, if you weren't alone) what and when you could eat, and how long you could wait until you can eat normal things. If they forgot to tell you, call and ask. There should be someone there who can tell you, or someone who could call you back. I don't remember how long you have to wait before resuming your regular diet. In the meantime, take it easy in general.
Reply:you'll be fine!!!! You do need to change the guaze tho to prevent any infections from leaving the sa,e guaze in too long...follow the directions the dentist gave you in order for proper drinking thru straws, eat soft foods so no food will get stuck in the gap...swish your mouth after every meal and often!

And if you feel slightly discomforted...take a couple Ibuprofen.

You'll be fine...I promise!

Just got mine pulled too(2 upper plus surgery) funny.

My Denist told me that i can eat everything just to make sure i flush with water after i eat to make sure nothing comes in my wound.

I ate soup,crackers,canned fruit and for dinner a reg. meal .

Just pay attention to chew up front and swallow it straight down and to take little bites.

Do you have pain or swelling?I don`t... i was scared cause everybody told me about that big pain and swelling.i only feel minor pain from my surgery.

wheneveryour wound heals(4till10 days) then everything should be back to normal.

Good luck!


Hole in mouth after wisdom tooth extraction?

So, I had my wisdom teeth removed last week and while I didn't die or anything during the procedure I have to say the aftermath was AWFUL!!! I have lots of allergies and the only med I could take was darvocet which is NOT a good pain killer for tooth pain BTW!!! Anyway, I just noticed I have a hole in the side of my mouth back where the tooth used to be. Not the socket where the tooth came out but the side of my mouth in my jaw next to where the tooth would be if that makes sense. What is going on???

Hole in mouth after wisdom tooth extraction?
wisdom tooth/3rd molar is one of the hardest tooth to take out, and it needs surgery, the tissue needs to be cut open for successful extraction (can vary on the case of the 3rd molar's position)

that hole must not be there, all of the holes including the socket where the tooth used to be must be stitched so that no infections will be acquired

consult your dentist about that matter. just be careful that no food particles or anything will get stuck in there
Reply:Hum, I'm not sure. Are you going to have a follow-up on it soon? When I got mine out I had to go back to the the stitches out. If this is the case for you, wait and tell your doctor then. If not, it sounds strange because there should only really be one hole where the tooth came out but maybe they had to cut a different hole too to get it out, was the tooth impacted? I don't think it's life threatening, if it hasn't healed in a few days call your doctor if you don't have a follow up appointment.
Reply:that's just where they cut a little bone out. in six months you won't even be able to tell it was there.
Reply:this reminds me of my mom

if your wisdom tooth was infected probobly it went 2 your sinesus!

go to the dentist's office he might know..
Reply:i have the same thing. its normal. that hole will fill up with tissue as it heals, and yeah it is on the side, not where the actual tooth socket is.

Complication of wisdom tooth extraction - paraesthesia?

I got my lower left wisdom tooth extarcted last week. Now I'm having complication of it - Paraesthesia of lower right lip and chin. It took how long to recover? Any methods or medication that can help?

Complication of wisdom tooth extraction - paraesthesia?
I assume what your asking is about loss of feeling in the chin and lip. I also had this on one half of my lip and it took about a month to go away. The doctor said he bruised the nerve when trying to get the tooth off around the nerve. I went back two or three times and let him prick my lip with a toothpick basicly. I guess the time to heal depends on how badly the nerve was damaged and the kind of damage. You should ask/tell your about it.
Reply:you could have damaged a nerve and your gum hasn't formed a proper blood clot area. you should see a dentist asap. it could be dry socket (alveolar osteitis), which can cause you to lose sensation in lower jaw or side of cheek, especially with lower wisdom tooth extraction.
Reply:consult that doctor( DENTIST)-- generally no problem

Eating after wisdom tooth extraction?

Just had my wisdom tooth out today.What food is good to eat and what is not?

Eating after wisdom tooth extraction?
Don't brush too hard, don't brush the first day. Keep the extraction site(s) clean!

Soft warm/cold/room temp foods. Make sure you take the prescribed medications (it'll do you good). Rest your jaw, don't talk a lot, make sure you use the dry sockets.

Food Recommendations (all warm or room temperature):


Apple Sauce





Ice cream


Reply:nothing hard, try really soft things, jello, pudding, etc and do not use straws,
Reply:Don't smoke or use straws!!!!!!!

Jello, scrambled eggs, pudding
Reply:soup is good, mashed potatoes, soft veg, u can eat anything really, just dont chew on the side where u have had the surgery
Reply:Well just speaking for myself, when I had mine out I took some solpadeine for the pain and then I distinctly remember eating chocolate biscuits!
Reply:Don't make the mistake I made and try to eat normal foods. If you get food particles stuck back there you will be in so much pain you'll consider cutting off your left foot to make your mouth quit hurting. Do ONLY liquids such as smoothies, juice, broth, ice cream, etc.
Reply:It's best not to eat for a while. If you do eat, have something mild. soup, eggs, bread etc.. No sugar!
Reply:soup, mash tatoes, jelly, ice cream .
Reply:stick to stuff like smoothies, ice cream, and yougurt. anything soft. Stay away from very hard stuff like bagels.. ect. for atleast a week.
Reply:You need to stick to soft foods today, such as mashed potatoes, macaroni and cheese, jello, scrambled eggs, chicken noodle soup, pudding, things like that are perfect. You want to stay away from anything hard or crunchy for about 2 weeks.
Reply:I wqould go for very soft things right now. However you need to make sure you put something on your stomach before you take your pain medicine or you will likely throw up. Some good things include: pudding, oatmeal, milkshakes, milk, and if you can chew it; scrambled eggs.
Reply:I ate whatever i wanted ,but not on that side.
Reply:When I had mine removed I couldn't eat anything solid for 2 weeks. I lived off of the vanilla drinks made by Ensure.
Reply:I just drank smoothies foor the first few days when i got mine out. Dont try anything that isnt soft... youll regret it trust me!!! I also ate pancakes with alot of syrup about 2 days after i got My wisdom teeth out
Reply:Rule of thumb: if it hurts to eat, don't eat it. If it doesn't hurt, eat it. I personally couldn't eat much for a couple weeks due to a minor infection (I had all 4 teeth extracted at once - that sucked).

Still, the safest food for maybe 24 hours (or until you feel better) is soup. Lipton chicken soup is good, but touch it with your finger to make sure it's not hot if you're still frozen. My friend had pizza after his teeth were extracted (yeah, I was pretty mad at him, still eating soup a week later :)
Reply:I just had mine out a couple weeks ago and i was sure i wouldn't be able to eat anything-but i was wrong. i Actually ate pretty good..I bought lots of soups; spagetti o's, chicken noodle, tomatoe...i had pudding, yogurt, soft icecream, drinkable yogurt was easy and great, i bought those dannon immunity drinks also, o yeh, and anything too hard to eat i put in a blender!...anything that u can just put in ur mouth and let sort of slide down. At first u will have everything everywhere, but as u become un-numb u can feel things more and get better at it. I really was afraid of losing weight during the weekend i had them out because i was told i would, but i didn't! So pretty much anything that u dont really have to chew-have fun and enjoy the vicadin! :P
Reply:Liquids and soupy foods. When my cousin got hers taken out she didn't really eat much for the first day, just some soup/broth but the next day she was able to eat enchiladas and refried beans. If thats not your thing try mashed potatoes, meatloaf, applesauce, yogurt, basically anything that doesn't require a lot of chewing.

Try to stay away from the crunchy foods.
Reply:Just to add to the other answers, yes, soup is a safe food providing that it is not too hot. You do not want to eat or drink anything hot because the heat will expand the blood vessels causing you to bleed more.... which, in turn, could lead to dry socket. You don't want to do anything to disturb the clot such as sucking, smoking, rinsing too hard, etc. Even physical activity gets the blood racing and don't take aspirin for any pain as it is a blood thinner. So is alcohol. Happy healing! =)
Reply:whatever you can, but i can't see how you'd be able to eat anything besides jello or pudding/yogurt. but be sure to eat something because if yo udon't the painkillers will make you sick.
Reply:My dentist told me to bit on a used teabag if it starts to bleed as the tannin in the tea stops it . If it is sore you can rub sensodine gel toothpaste on it and you just leave a spread of it on your gum to kill the pain as for eating nothing hard.


Wisdom tooth extraction question?

I just had one wisdom tooth taken out and the doctor gave my bf the instructions. He told me that I can only have liquids for three days. I called back to check, and the nurse or aide said I can eat things that are soft, not spicy, and not hard. Also, I am not bruised or experiencing any pain at this point, and I haven't had Vicodin yet. Is it safe for me to be eating things like mashed potatoes and cut up grapes?

Wisdom tooth extraction question?
Mashed potatoes yes, and other foods of that consistency.... anything that would not involve chewing really. The bruising usually comes a day or 2 later after extraction. If you were given Vicodin for pain and haven't used it yet, Great... but do realize that when something would be needed for pain relief, it will take approx. 20-25 min. for some relief to come. Don't drink from straws as that sucking action will remove the blood clot from the socket and possibly leave you with a dry socket; VERY PAINFUL!!
Reply:yes thats fine. as long as you feel up to it you can eat soft foods like mashed potatoes. make sure that if you feel any pain while eating that you go back to liquids for a while. you can also eat things such as jello, applesauce or ice cream. best of luck!
Reply:I say go ahead and try, but if you feel any pain then go back to liquids. Since you only had one tooth pulled you should be able to eat and still protect that side of your mouth.
Reply:i wouldn't want to get all that crap into an fresh wound, but i don't see why not. if it doesn't hurt that bad to eat, go ahead. good luck.
Reply:yes it's ok,try eating something when you have ALL your top teeth out as i did
Reply:I think...I am not an expert just a mom but I think you just do not want to undo the clots that have formed in the extracted things at room temperature and very soft and be careful if you feel any pain stop and if bleeding begins stop...go by how you feel...and just go slowly...
Reply:Well, I had my four wisdom tooth removed at the same time, and I ate whatever I wanted! I mean, whatever I could! It was really painful when the painkillers had lost their effect (ex: in the morning), but I could eat whatever I wanted. Just be careful when you brush your teeth. So, try to avoid anything "extreme" (too cold or too hot) or things that are hard.
Reply:I would be careful of eating anyting like cut up grapes. when I had my wisdom teeth out the dr. told me the first 3 days were important as not to tear the stitches ( this was 20 years ago, don't know if they do something different now for the wound). Also once the previous medication you were given starts to wear off you may be feeling the pain with a vengence. Soft foods like ice cream and puddings should be okay. You also have to be sure to clean out the cavities left behind from the extracted teeth.

It took me almost 2 weeks to get back to normal eating.

Good luck.
Reply:I ate anything but I had a syringe thing that I had to put in the holes to blow all the old food away that got trapped. I didn't get dry socket , thank gosh, I hear that's painful. Sounds like your doing good . I hesitate to give advice as I'm not an expert but that was what I did. Good luck.

Another tooth extraction question?

I'm just wondering will my wisdom tooth move forward to where my molar was extracted?

Another tooth extraction question?
There could very well be some shifting.

It could actually affect that whole side of your mouth, depending on your age.

I had a molar (#19) extracted when I was just 11 years old. There are tiny spaces between all of the teeth on that side of my mouth. It's not noticeable unless you're really looking in my mouth, but my wisdom tooth did come in and the molar beside it are now a little crooked. It does not effect the appearance of my smile, however.

The teeth on the right side of my mouth are perfectly straight.

Ask your doctor about options to keep your teeth from shifting. He'll let you know what would be best for you.

Best Wishes!
Reply:It's not likely to. It's pretty firmly embedded in your jaw.
Reply:It depends on when the molar was extracted.

My wisdom teeth did move forward on my upper jaw, where I had a molar removed on each side in the back.
Reply:shifting of the wisdom(3rd molar) tooth in such a short time could mean that during the extraction of the 2nd molar the 3rd molar was moved (dislodged) during manipulation. If the shifting comes along the years; the process is a natural one, where all teeth tend to move forward and to the middle line. that is why at older ages teeth tend to be not as aligned as they where.

What complications of tooth extraction are there?

I had a tooth extracted almost a week ago. I am still in horrible pain. I have been to the dentist twice since to have it packed and he has told me it is healing well and I do not have dry socket. What else could be wrong? The tooth itself was quite large and it was difficult getting it out, could I have some kind of nerve damage? Or perhaps the roots of the adjacent teeth were effected? When I asked my dentist how long the pain usually lasts he said "usually not this long" but didn't have any answers for me except to give me more pain killers. Any ideas on what this might be?

What complications of tooth extraction are there?
mine only hurt for a few hours after the novacaine wore off.....and your sure you dont have a dry socket? How severe is the pain? I would say that you may have slithers of tooth still imbedded under the gums....Does it feel like a toothache or is it different pain
Reply:Once when I had dry socket and the dentist packed it I was allergic to that certain medicine.
Reply:Make sure you dont have an infection in the area. If there is pus it could be an infection. The pain shouldnt last as long as a week. Something is definitely wrong. I have accompanied my Mom to have many of her teeth out and the only time she was in acute pain well after the extraction was when she had an infection. Otherwise she was okay in about three days.
Reply:Well, to heal, the bone must converge and become smooth where the tooth was taken out. The gum itself is very sensitive and can be very soft and vulnerable (ie hurt) until it is toughened up. There is a chance with any kind of surgery for infection. way should the area still be painful... it's possible also that a piece of bone or tooth remaining...was it an upper or lower tooth?

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Wisdom tooth extraction still painful?

Hi I'm new to this so I hope I'm doing it right. I had my right lower impacted wisdom tooth removed 4 days ago, with a local anesthetic. He had to put extra in because I wasn't numbed enough so I was full of the stuff.

I didn't feel a thing during the actual procedure as the anesthetic worked it's magic.

The problem is, I have been in agony with it since. It's kind of gone white around the stitch that he put in, is that normal? It feels like my cheekbone, jawbone and even my chin have been thumped. It actually reduced me to tears on two occasions and now I'm really fed up with it. I started to take a codeine/paracetamol over the counter pain killer but that caused horrific headaches and knocked me out so I'm sticking to regular paracetamol now.

I'm getting the stitch out in three days.

Also, on the same day I am taking an over 4 hour flight. If I'm still in pain will that make it worse? I was told I would be recovered within a few days of surgery but I'm not!

Wisdom tooth extraction still painful?
What you are experiencing is VERY normal.

I had my jaw broken a few years ago that caused a crack in a root of one of my wisdom teeth so it had to be taken out. It hurt like hell for a couple of weeks, probably moreso than yours since my jaw didn't really work. But all in all, the pain you have sounds the same as the pain I was having. Of course, I had a bottle of vicodin to help me along. It's in the same family as codeine, but maybe the different type of mixture won't give you headaches. It really did the trick for me. And the whiteness is the wound healing. Don't worry about that. If it turns a color, like green or purple, then you should be concerned.
Reply:there might be a bone or tooth splinter in there left over from the extraction. That happened to me once, about a week later my gum was so sore that I touched it, and felt the "Tooth splinter", it slid out and the pain was gone !
Reply:The3-4 days after a lower wisdom tooth extraction...if it feels like the pain is getting worse instead of better it might be a dry socket. Contact your doctor, he can place a dressing inside the socket to insulate it. As someone else on here has said, the "white" you're seeing is probably where you're healing, scabs look white when they're moist.

Wisdom tooth extraction aftercare - PAIN!?

I am in PAIN. It is not terrible, excruciating pain - BUT I STILL HATE THE PAIN I'M IN. It can be mostly controlled with Ibuprofen 800 mg - but I STILL HATE IT!!!! I feel tired and yucky. I got the impacted, decaying wisdom tooth extracted 3 days ago.

WHEN WILL THIS PAIN go away!!!! ???(sorry for being a baby, but I must)

Wisdom tooth extraction aftercare - PAIN!?
Fill two bags with crushed ice and wrap them in a thin towel. Lie down on one bag (put your cheeks on it) and put the other one on top of your face. The ice is a surprisingly effective pain killer.

If you don't feel better in a day or two, or the pain gets worse call your oral-surgeon.

And be sure to eat something if you're taking that much ibuprofen...its really hard on your digestive tract.
Reply:i know how it feels. it'll go away in about 5-7 days. I just got mine out last month, after the 5th-7th day you'll be ok, you're going to have holes in your mouth that get food stuck in them. just rest in bed, your mouth heals faster when you relax and lay down. feel better!
Reply:After 3 days, you should not have pain.... there should discomfort .....but not pain....

perhaps you have a dry socket...... tomorrow, call your dentist, you might need to have it packed..
Reply:typically the older you are when you have them out the more pain and difficult the extraction. i'm sorry you waited so long.

time your meds, do not let them wear off, keep taking them! you can also alternate motrin with tylenol, every 4 hours. obviously only if your doctor or pharmacist okays it, but i've done it before and lived so.....

i used frozen veggies instead of ice, less mess.

also, some people like to use heat instead of ice, or alternate hot and cold packs.

massage the area, do stretches with your mouth, keep them clean!! follow your doctors directions. no smoking, spitting or sucking through a straw or you will get dry socket.

good luck!
Reply:use ice packs !!!

pain is not as bad as others i've experienced

you will be Ok after a few days of pain %26amp; drooling,

and glad you had them removed

How soon after tooth extraction should I start wearing Invisalign?

A front lower tooth was pulled today to make room for Invisalign to do its work. The orthodontist said "start wearing the tray as soon as you feel comfortable - wait 3 days - or even start the same day." There are 4 buttons on my lower teeth, and I imagine the tray will be hard to get in and out. (I'm already wearing the upper tray and it is quite painful and difficult to remove. At first I couldn't get it off at all.) But I'd like to wear it tomorrow so I don't have this gaping hole. As the tray pulls on the adjoining teeth, or as I force the tray on and off, will it disturb the healing process? If I can't get the lower tray off at all for a day or two, is that a problem?

How soon after tooth extraction should I start wearing Invisalign?
Be sure the extraction site has stopped bleeding for sure, and the swelling has gone down some. That's what I would do. You don't want for it to start bleeding again.
Reply:The invisalign shouldn't affect the extraction, when you're comfortable wear it. It is suppost to be tight, it's meant to be moving your teeth. I don't understand what you mean by buttons though.

Wisdom tooth extraction question?

I just had one wisdom tooth taken out and the doctor gave my bf the instructions. He told me that I can only have liquids for three days. I called back to check, and the nurse or aide said I can eat things that are soft, not spicy, and not hard. Also, I am not bruised or experiencing any pain at this point, and I haven't had Vicodin yet. Is it safe for me to be eating things like mashed potatoes and cut up grapes?

Wisdom tooth extraction question?
Mashed potatoes yes, and other foods of that consistency.... anything that would not involve chewing really. The bruising usually comes a day or 2 later after extraction. If you were given Vicodin for pain and haven't used it yet, Great... but do realize that when something would be needed for pain relief, it will take approx. 20-25 min. for some relief to come. Don't drink from straws as that sucking action will remove the blood clot from the socket and possibly leave you with a dry socket; VERY PAINFUL!!
Reply:yes thats fine. as long as you feel up to it you can eat soft foods like mashed potatoes. make sure that if you feel any pain while eating that you go back to liquids for a while. you can also eat things such as jello, applesauce or ice cream. best of luck!
Reply:I say go ahead and try, but if you feel any pain then go back to liquids. Since you only had one tooth pulled you should be able to eat and still protect that side of your mouth.
Reply:i wouldn't want to get all that crap into an fresh wound, but i don't see why not. if it doesn't hurt that bad to eat, go ahead. good luck.
Reply:yes it's ok,try eating something when you have ALL your top teeth out as i did
Reply:I think...I am not an expert just a mom but I think you just do not want to undo the clots that have formed in the extracted things at room temperature and very soft and be careful if you feel any pain stop and if bleeding begins stop...go by how you feel...and just go slowly...
Reply:Well, I had my four wisdom tooth removed at the same time, and I ate whatever I wanted! I mean, whatever I could! It was really painful when the painkillers had lost their effect (ex: in the morning), but I could eat whatever I wanted. Just be careful when you brush your teeth. So, try to avoid anything "extreme" (too cold or too hot) or things that are hard.
Reply:I would be careful of eating anyting like cut up grapes. when I had my wisdom teeth out the dr. told me the first 3 days were important as not to tear the stitches ( this was 20 years ago, don't know if they do something different now for the wound). Also once the previous medication you were given starts to wear off you may be feeling the pain with a vengence. Soft foods like ice cream and puddings should be okay. You also have to be sure to clean out the cavities left behind from the extracted teeth.

It took me almost 2 weeks to get back to normal eating.

Good luck.
Reply:I ate anything but I had a syringe thing that I had to put in the holes to blow all the old food away that got trapped. I didn't get dry socket , thank gosh, I hear that's painful. Sounds like your doing good . I hesitate to give advice as I'm not an expert but that was what I did. Good luck.

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I had a tooth extraction done in July '06, I still haven't gotten a dental implant. Am I risking bone loss?

I had a nasty tooth with deep fillings and inflamed roots pulled after three failed attempts at a root canal. I'm kinda phobic of dental procedures now (not my dentist's fault, he is great, this tooth was really messed-up). I know I need to get a dental implant it is my lower right back tooth which I used to rely on for a lot of my chewing. My dentist said I need to get the implant done ASAP or my bone will wear away and I might need to get a cadaver bone put in (EWWWWWW!)

Can I get away with a few more months or do I really need to do it now? I would prefer to wait until I am in a better financial position to afford an anethesiologist (or maybe a good shrink to work through this new dental procedure phobia).

I had a tooth extraction done in July '06, I still haven't gotten a dental implant. Am I risking bone loss?
I would certainly get it done now. Do you have a credit card you can put it on? Don't be scared, they have so many procedures now to alleviate the pain, you really have nothing to worry about. You have probably been miserable since July 06' so why put up with the problem any longer than you have to. Good luck:)
Reply:Dental implants are long-term replacements are surgically placed in the jawbone. More and more people are considering dental implants as their the best treatment option for replacing missing teeth.

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Wisdom tooth extraction?

I had my wisdom tooth extracted about 2 weeks ago and now it looks kind of weird and I just wonder if it's normal. It does not hurt anymore, but I see a hole and I thought it was supposed to be closed up. It's not a round hole, but like the shape of a ravine. Is this normal?

Wisdom tooth extraction?
yes, i had mine removed over the summer, when i still had the holes in my mouth they gave me a little device that i put water in and stuck it in the hole and squirted the water so it would clean it out so the holes didnt get infected by the food being left in there also its a good idea to rinse your mouth out w/ listerine or any mouthwash if you dont already do that bc it will help keep it clean also
Reply:completely normal it took mine a little over 2 months to heal compleatly

Wisdom tooth extraction?

im getting one of my wisdom tooth extracted on friday. would i be able to go to work the same day? also, how long would it take for the gum to heal? is my face going to be swollen and ugly? im soooo worried:(

Wisdom tooth extraction?
it'll be hard to talk for awhile and you'll be tired. i suggest not to go to work that day. it took my gums a week or two to heal. my face wasnt swollen or sore. i got really bad tastes in my mouth from the healing gums though. btw i got put to sleep and it didnt hurt a bit, not even afterwards.
Reply:i had two taken out the same day and i didnt go back to work...i think i could of though....i didnt have to take any of the pain medication i was given either. i didnt have any swelling!! so your pretty little face will not be affected : )
Reply:is it impacted? and your only getting one pulled? i would have taken the day off. as for swollen? i was like a chipmunk, but my son was perfect, no swelling. key to that is ice. if the tooth is impacted, it will take time for the gums to heal. don't use a straw!! if it's not, and your removing it after it has already erupted, then you might not be so bad, but to the oral surgeon. i wish you well.
Reply:Well it depends. I had four wisdom teeth out and I was very swollen. It only felt better when I took tylenal or ibuprofen. After a few days I returned to work. My husband had 2 wisdom teeth out and went to work the next day. So I guess it depends how fast you heal and how well you tolerate pain.

Good luck and don't be worried too much :) You'll be fine.
Reply:you would probably not be able to work. i got mine pulled and my face was the size of a basketball and it took a week for the swelling to go down. its pretty painful to be honest, and it takes a couple weeks for the gum to heal. i had to rinse with salt water every day so it didnt get infected. it might be different for you though since your only getting one and i had all four of mine done at the same time.
Reply:You will be given painkillers to deaden the pain from the extraction, so you will want to stay home from work for the first 24 hours.

There might be some small swelling of your jaw, but nothing disfiguring, presuming the procedure goes as planned.

Do not drink anything using a straw for a couple of weeks after the surgery. Rinses with warm salt water will keep your mouth clean.

For the first week or two, food might become lodged in the area where the tooth was, and work free several hours later. This is common, and just a tiny bit disgusting. Just spit the food out or rinse it out with water.
Reply:i had to take 2 days off. it was painful after the anesthesia wore off. your face won't get swollen, but it would be hard to carry a conversation with a cotton-filled mouth, and a numb lip. but then it would all depend on your recovery rate, and pain treshold.
Reply:As you can see from the answers so far, there is a variety of reactions to the removal of a wisdom tooth. However, I suggest you should allow at least one day off work in case your reaction is one of the strong ones. Good thing you've got the weekend to recover - you may need it.

I had a couple out at one time. It was a huge struggle for the muscular dentist to haul them out. The pain wasn't so bad at the time, but I was out of action for a week afterward, not from swelling so much, it just knocks you around, that's all.

Friends later said they went into hospital for a couple of days to have theirs out. Would've been better as I was living alone and had no one to look after me.

I wasn't disfigured at all.
Reply:you'll be fine, just a little swollen. I had all 4 taken off in one day! take a vicodin, and you'll feel no pain....avoid straws and cigarettes.
Reply:ah, don't worry too much.

I had my wisdom tooth taken off by a dentist few years ago.

You will feel a pain less stronger than a mosquito bite, when the dentist will inject the gums around that wisdom tooth.

You will have to avoid talking and chewing hard items for half a day.

It would be better, if you do it in the evening after dinner, have some cold drink after the teeth is removed (usually recommended by doctors) and then go to bed. In that way, you will get some rest and you will ready to take over the world on Saturday morning!

Take it easy!

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Wisdom tooth extraction aftercare?

had one wisdom tooth out 5 hours ago and it hurts, how long will it hurt for? also I really would love a smoke, when can i have a smoke?

Wisdom tooth extraction aftercare?
bone removal during wisdom tooth removal is usually the cause of sever pain. it will hurt for atleast 2 to 3 days. take ibuprofen and alternate it with paracetamol. this should work, do warm salty water rinses as well.

dont even think about smoking you will end up with even more pain than what you have..........hopefully you will be fine soon. I will pray for you.
Reply:The oral surgeon or dentist should have given you some written after-care instructions. Everyone's pain threshhold is different, so who knows how long it will hurt. I hope you kept your mouth closed tightly while packed with gauze so the blood clot could form. If not, that could cause some pain from a dry socket later. I would definitely talk with the dental office about smoking, because pulling on that cigarette can cause problems with the clot as well. Might just be a good time to work on cutting back on the cigs.
Reply:24 hours at least for the smoke. It delays your healing alot which increases the chance it becomes infected. (very painful)... think of it this way, the less you smoke the quicker it heals, its not the actual smoke that does it but the nicotine gets into your blood stream and makes your body slow its healing.

It can hurt for a couple of days. you should take some pain killers like ibuprofen and paracetamol. Try placing an ice pack on the side you had it out.

If it becomes really bad(constant very bad throbbing ache, you can't sleep etc) you probably have dry socket in that case u need to go back to your dentist to get it cleaned and dressed with something that stops it from hurting.
Reply:DRY SOCKET Have at those ciggies and these two words may take on a whole new meaning for you. Good luck
Reply:it will hurt for a couple days at the most, but you should have some medicine and drink lots of milkshakes through a straw for comfort

Dry socket//tooth extraction?

i'm having a broken tooth taken out sometime next week, %26amp; my mom told me about dry socket, and i freaked out. it's my very back tooth that caused me to have an infection throughout my sinuses %26amp; right side of my jaw.

i'm more worried about the recovery than i am the actual procedure. any way i can rest assured that i won't get 'dry socket'?

Dry socket//tooth extraction?
As a dentist myself, I can assure you that your dentist will go over any post extraction recommendations that he/she may have. As a general rule the following should be avoided during the first 72-96 hours (3-4 days) to lessen your chances of dry socket: no smoking, no drinking from a straw, and no strenuous exercise. Dry socket is a condition in which the blood clot in the extraction site becomes dislodged allowing food debris and bacteria to enter into the socket. After the first 24 hours you should begin rinsing your mouth with warm salty water, this will help prevent infection and also help any food etc from entering the socket. Your dentist may also write you a prescription for antibiotics and pain medication, if he.she does then then be sure to take the medication as directed and follow any other instructions they give you. Just make sure you take it easy for the first few days and everything should be fine. Good luck!
Reply:Trick is to NOT suck through a straw. That causes it.
Reply:Your dentist SHOULD give a list of rules/procedures to follow after the extraction. I've had several and with one did end up with dry socket and trust me: (I've given birth to four 8 and 9 lb. babies) you DEFINITELY want to follow the instructions EXACTLY. If you follow the rules, you shouldn't have anything to worry about. Good luck.
Reply:please dont freak out...hey, i guess thats what mother's r for,right:)if you dont smoke or suck through a straw for two days you will be ok...the "sucking" will tend to open up the wound were the tooth was removed and wont let the tooth cause a clot to stop long as you dont do these two things you will be fine:)feel better:)

My Baby Tooth Extraction?

I just got a baby tooth pulled this last Wednesday [4/25]. The tooth is on MY left, the pointy one, on top. Anyways, how long should it bleed? It is still currently bleeding, and it is now 4/28. I wake up with blood on my pillow.... How long will it last?

My Baby Tooth Extraction?
Usually it wouldn't bleed that long after a baby tooth extraction. It is normal to weep a little for a few days. But you also have to make sure not to poke at it all the time. Don't smoke, don't use aspirin products - they will make you bleed more. If you take blood thinners that will make you bleed, too. You can bite on some gauze for 20 min at a time. But only if it bleeds a lot. You can also wet a tee bag and bite on it. If you still have problems 7 days after the extraction see your dentist again.
Reply:you should have gotten some gauze from the dentist to hold in the space to stop the bleeding =if you didn't get any go get him to give it to you



How long after a tooth extraction can I start working out again?

I had a tooth extracted (not wisdom teeth) on Thursday, April 3 at 4 pm, and I followed the instructions by my dentist of not sipping through a straw, not smoking, eating soft foods, rinsing, etc.. It still is sore, especially in the mornings, and I am still having to take pain medication in the mornings. I was not prescribed antibiotics.

I wanted to start working out again on Monday. My husband comes home from the Middle East in a little over a month and I still have 5 lbs I'm trying to lose.

Anyone know if working out is okay to start?

How long after a tooth extraction can I start working out again?
Only you can answer that.

Start with a gentle exercise and if it's all going well, increase it gradually.
Reply:it should be if it was 3 days ago i got 1 of mine taken out and i thought i was fine. the day i had it out i went to the movies with my friends and just flicked at my lip . it was funny
Reply:If your still feeling discomfort and taking pain meds your not ready to work out. Working out will increase both your blood pressure and your pulse and that will put excessive blood flow in and around the extraction sites...You won't like the extra discomfort that will create. When you no longer have discomfort and no longer actually need the pain meds, you cloud begin a lite workout for about three days and then increase you workouts. Good luck and I wish you well.
Reply:I'm a dentist.

Obviously, I do not know your health history, nor can I see the extractions sites. Hence, take what I say with a grain of salt. (That goes for everyone who gets medical advice from this Yahoo forum).

I perform surgical wisdom teeth extractions regularly, and I tell my patients to avoid strenuous activities for two days in order to prevent bleeding.

Working out increases blood pressure, which promotes bleeding at the surgical site. Your surgery was three days ago, so the chance of having bleeding is very, very small.

If I were you, I'd go ahead and exercise normally. If you start tasting blood in your mouth, discontinue the exercise for another couple of days.

Tooth extraction recovery problem, i think?

I had 2 molars pulled 2 1/2 weeks ago. among the various problems on my right side the recovery is different from my left. on the left there is a smooth even surface that has formed and there is no discomfort. My right, has a rather large bubble or lump where the tooth used to be and the discomfort is still a bit of a problem. Is it ever normal to have that kind of lump when healing? food has not tasted the same since the removaland seems to have a metallic tase almost.

Tooth extraction recovery problem, i think?
I concur, sounds like a dry socket.
Reply:You may have a dry socket. Call and ask to return to the dentist to have it looked at.
Reply:If you're experiencing a lot of pain near the "bubble," you could have a dry socket. If there's not much pain, you could simply have a tooth/root fragment remaining - it does happen occasionally. I'd suggest contacting your dentist to see what he/she has to say.
Reply:I've had a dry socket and they hurt like HELL so I doubt that's the problem. Everything tastes awful for a while but after 2 weeks it should be feeling and tasting a little better. I think you should have it checked just to be sure there isn't a problem.

Tooth extraction: How long does the appt take?

How long does an appt take to remove one tooth? Thanks!

Tooth extraction: How long does the appt take?
It depends on the tooth, the shape and reason for taking it it. I've taken out 4 wisdom teeth in 7 minutes as well as taken 2 hours to remove a badly damaged 1st year molar
Reply:Is it a 3rd molar (wisdom tooth)? Is it erupted or impacted?

If you're going to an Oral Surgeon (who does this all day long) the longest part is waiting for the numbness to take full effect (maybe 15 minutes if it's the lower)

The actual procedure is about 10 minutes maximum with gentleness and with no complications.
Reply:Aloha from Down Unda!

Naturally any tooth extraction is full of anxiety but don't worry...within 30 minutes it's done with 15 minutes max to allow the antistetic to kick's jest a moment of tugging %26amp; boom - yer done! The worst part is feeling the void afterwards! The care is important to keep it clean %26amp; dry to avoid the 'dry socket' syndrome. Mine was done last year %26amp; it's like loosing an old friend!

Best wishes
Reply:It all depends....i had 2 teeth pulled in about 15 mins....but if his teeth are decayed it might take longer....i had a simple extraction....they might have to cut his probably wont be over an hour
Reply:If the dentist is good it shouldn't take more than a couple of minutes, usually it is longer the wait for the numbness to sink in.
Reply:I had to have a wisdom tooth taken out, but it was still under the gum practically completely. It had absessed, hense needing it removed. That took over an hour, but you can understand why.
Reply:It depends on the tooth. On an adult with a brittle old tooth it can take longer than usual. Some extractions are fairly quick-a shot of novocaine and a good yank %26amp; its out. However, wisdom teeth are always more difficult but luckily his is not a wisdom tooth (as you said). I will provide you some insight on my last 2 dental extractions (2 VERY DIFFERENT experiences) below and hopefully this will give you some idea of what your husband can expect.

When I was 18-19 yrs. old I had the WORST TOOTHACHE,I went to an "emergency dentist" on Thanksgiving who offered 2 options-save the tooth by starting an expensive root canal that would require several follow up visits and cost several hundred dollars or pull the tooth out for $100, I chose the PULL and he shot me with novocaine %26amp; grabbed the tooth real hard with "pliers"(or at least they looked like pliers) and he just yanked it out-it was so quick that a snot flew out of my nose as he pulled it out, he sent me on my way, I even was able to eat later-NOT BAD AT ALL-hopefully your husband his this experience and NOT THE NEXT ONE.

The next time I needed an extraction I was about 26-27 yrs. old %26amp; the toothache was due to a tooth that MANY YEARS before I saw an emergency oral surgeon in the ER due to severe toothache %26amp; she would not pull it out in the ER, instead she said she would get me "out of pain" but I would need to follow up with a dentist, and she proceeded to basically "start" a root canal, I guess she removed the root that was causing the pain %26amp; I think she actually pulled out a little piece of the tooth that was causing pressure %26amp; pain %26amp; she did GET ME OUT OF PAIN, so of course I never followed up with a dentist because I felt fine("if it ain't broke don't fix it" mentality I have) and then at least 7 yrs. later (I was now 26 or 27) that HORRIFIC, THROBBING, feel like your going to die pain came back from the same tooth-

So I went to a dentist to see if I could get some more roots taken out or whatever could be done to save the tooth(I was now older and wiser) but he said the only option then was an extraction, apparently the tooth had died and since I never had the root canal completed back then, it was now too late and it had to come out, but this tooth(according to him) was very brittle and was going to be difficult to get out(I was ready for him to do it on the spot but he had to schedule a "special time slot", I thought he was over-reacting but boy was I wrong. I was in that dentist chair for at least 40 minutes to over an hour-it seemed like forever. He gave me 2 shots of Novocaine right from the start and then proceeded to pull this way and that way and he even had his foot on the side of the chair trying to pull this thing out. He kept asking me if it hurt or if I was ok every 2 minutes. I was numb, just felt all the pulling and it hurt to keep my mouth open so wide. Then he pulled out a little hammer like tool and what seemed to be a little chisel and I kid you not, he proceeded to hold the chisel on my tooth and hammer away at it, he was trying to break the tooth into pieces, apparently it was so brittle and damaged/decayed from all those years of not having the root canal completed that he could not get it out in one piece. After he hammered and chiseled for a while he tried pulling again-and he started to look worried when nothing was coming out. He gave me more Novocaine and then hammered and chiseled away some more, he looked like he was doing "demolition on a house" thats how much effort and energy he was putting into the hammering and chiseling.

When he started pulling again, he got a small piece out and I actually started to feel pain (even with al that Novocaine), so he gave me even more Novocaine and I remember him not only injecting the gums around that tooth but also in my cheek I think (at least thats what it felt like). He started getting some pieces out but it was this huge process of more hammering and chiseling, then more pulling, and so on and so on. When it was finally over there were so many little pieces of tooth on the tray, he had to extract it in lots of tiny little pieces and my face and head were already throbbing (I wasn't feeling the pain in my mouth yet, just the pressure on my face from all the pounding), well he gave me some prescriptions and as I was driving home the Novocaine must have just suddenly completely wore off because all of a sudden I was in the worst pain, like I didn't know if I would make it home, I was crying, my mouth and tooth area felt 10 times worse than before I had it pulled and not only that but my face, head, cheek, lips, all felt like someone had beat me up and been punching my face. Overall, it was a TERRIBLE HORRIBLE experience and I was in SEVERE pain (even with prescription painkillers) for at least 2 or 3 days. So, my point is that the extraction can go either way.

Both of these teeth that I had removed were basically the same size and in the same general area of my mouth, the first one on the left side toward the back and the second one on the right side toward the back (about 3 teeth from the back). One came out easy with no problem when I was younger and the other was a nightmare because it was brittle, missing a piece and severely decayed. I guess it depends on what condition your husbands tooth is in and how old he is. Hope this helps.

Tooth extraction help?

I need to have a tooth pulled out before it causes problems but the problem is my dental insurance recently expired so now I have no dental care and I live in california can anybody help me?

Tooth extraction help?
there are about 5 (2 San Fran and 3 in SoCal) dental schools in Cali and several oral surgery programs affiliated with hospitals. Get busy on the computer and search out where you can get inexpensive extractions done.
Reply:you may be eligible for state medicaid..depending on may also contact a dental school..price is cheaper...quality not so sure about...some dentist will take payments...hit the yellow pages
Reply:I don't know how things work in California but here in Michigan there are programs offered at the dental offices called care credit. You may be able to check on line. It is basically a credit card with a line of credit and you can pay it back over a period of 6 months to a year. You may also want to check at the emergency room. Sometimes the hospitals will pull a tooth if it is that bad. They normally have someone on hand that is able to do that. I hope that this is of some help good luck to you.


Braces and front tooth extraction!!?

I'm 26 and I have had braces for a year now and have had some problems with my teeth adjusting the way my orthodontist wants them to. He had me get my bottom front tooth extracted yesterday and they put a chain on afterwards to move my teeth and the space in quicker. I am having a lot of trouble with this because I'm self concious now, I'm so embarassed for people to notice I'm missing a tooth.This is a very big deal to me. Has anyone had this done and how long did it take for the space to close up?

Braces and front tooth extraction!!?
It may be a little uncomfortable at first but it is very normal. There may not have been the space needed to straighten your teeth. You will be surprised at how quickly the teeth will shift. You may have a little uncomfortable time for about 2 weeks. It depends on how tightened everything was made, and what else has been done. But the teeth are stubborn and no matter how much we try, they move in their own time.. Your best bet would be to call your Dentist to give you a better time line. As he has seen your Xray's and knows your treatment plan, he can give you a good rough guesstimate.. Good luck hun, just remember it is worth it all in the end. (Til then its just horrible) lol
Reply:my sister had this done and also a guy i work with is having it done now as well. hers took about a year and a half to grow back in. which tooth is it? right in the front???

good luck!!

Tooth extraction plz help calm my nerves!!!?

hi. im thirteen years old and im getting my tooth extracted tomorrow and im really scared. idk wutz gonna happen 2 me and everyone is really scaring me! plz help...and no jokes plz!!!

Tooth extraction plz help calm my nerves!!!?
hello there how are you????

well to start of i just want to say that i hope it goes well for you hope you dont freak out too much

well an answer to your question just try to think of something else and keep your eyes closed (just close your eyes and relax think of something happy )if you keep thinking about what might happen then you are going to stress yourself out

once again hope it all goes well

Reply:they'll numb the whole area they're working on and you won't feel a thing :)
Reply:You will get an injection to numb the pain so you will not feel a thing.

Keep your eyes open if possible - it helps.

Good Luck -
Reply:it doesn't hurt a bit, just think of happy thoughts like happy gilmore did when he had calm his nerves
Reply:no joke, keep your eyes open, but seriously, DO NOT look down. the sight of the.. teeth and the dentist, etc... will creep you.

They will give you numbing medicine that will make you not feel it. I'm 13 too, and I had 6 of my teeth pulled for braces, and it didnt hurt at all.

Relax it will be fine =)
Reply:They will numb you and that only feels like a pinch. Then you will be numb. They will pull your tooth. That's it.

he will tell you too put cold compresses on it will make it not swell. You take motrin, or advil. as told. I promise it is not that bad.

Do what the dentist says.

P.S. :)
Reply:Its nothing to worry about. Make sure that you tell your dentist that you are afraid and I am sure that he will do his best to make it as easy on you as possible. The first thing the dentist should do is put some numbing cream on the area where he will be putting the novacaine needle. This should make the injection almost painless. Once the novacaine takes affect, you will not feel a thing. You may be a bit sore afterward, but if you follow the directions of the dentist exactly, you should be okay. The idea to think happy thoughts is a really great one.
Reply:hey girl - u ans my q abt gum swollen - listen

i just had my root canal yesterday - it is similar to toothextraction, only better - you knw why? cause with this, they take only the root out you can FEEL the drill

with a tooth extraction, they will numb you but listen a tip - always say i still have feeling even after i dont - just a little extra numbing they will do

after that you are in heaven they can cut your whole mouth up and you wont feel a thing

as for the nerves, pls bring ur ipod - i did, get lost in a song, and know you will not feel any pain

lots a love

trust me im a teenager n i went to the dentist yesterday after dreading like an idiot for so long

that tooth is whats causing u problems - after its gone ull be all good babes

Periodontal question- Bone loss after tooth extraction...?

I had 2 back teeth removed a number of years ago due to decay. Both of them had some damaged bone as a result of the decay so my dentist had to remove some of the bone along with the tooth. Due to uncontrolled circumstances at the time, I never got implants/bridgework for those missing teeth.

Now, a couple years later, those teeth have moved closer so there isnt room to put a bridge or implant so my dentist sent me to an Orthodontist to move my teeth apart. The orthodontist told me to consult with a Periodontist because she was worried about the bone loss in those 2 places. The Periodontist said I have significant bone loss in both places where the teeth were pulled (one spot being close to the sinus) and he proposed that I undergo the bone rebuilding procedure and then put an implant there

This procedure is expensive %26amp; takes a long time to heal... Would it still work out OK if i do NOT have the bone rebuilding done %26amp; just spread the teeth apart with braces %26amp; then get a bridge?

Periodontal question- Bone loss after tooth extraction...?
Braces are very hard on adult teeth and usually resut in a little bone loss when teeth are moved around. So, if you already have bone loss this can be a bad combination. Adding a bridge to teeth that already have bone loss (the tooth that has moved and tilted already has bone loss) can be very hard on those teeth. This is going to be a tooth providing all the support for a very expensive piece of work. If this tooth has bone loss now and then gets more bone loss from braces, it is not going to be a sturdy tooth without some help from a periodontist. Sounds like the dentist should have sent you to the periodontist instead of ortho. Otherwise, you are going to have a bridge that doesn't last.

Pain after an tooth extraction?

I had a tooth infection and after I finished the antibiotic's I got the tooth removed. That was 3 day's ago. Is it normal to still have pain, this many day's later.

I am NOT talking about the area where the tooth was removed from, I am aware that, that part will obviously still be sore. I am talking about pain as if the tooth was still there, like the toothache itself. Thank's a lot!!

Pain after an tooth extraction?
This is an unusual situation BUT....

You could have had an abcess, then

took the antibiotic,then had the tooth

pulled, but there is still some of the

abcess left.

Go to where the tooth was pulled and

on the outside of your lip, press where

it's sore. Does it feel as tho there is still some abcess in there? also, did

any awful tasting pus come out of the

hole where the tooth was pulled?

If you feel you still have some abcess,

either have your dentist examine it again to see if there is still infection

up where the end of the root was.

It usually takes me 3 weeks to get

rid of ALL the pain from a tooth

Reply:The antibiotics may not have completely taken care of the infection. It is normal for it to still hurt. You need to be careful not to get a dry socket. That will hurt like hell and it feels like it did before you got the tooth extracted. You should call and let your dentist know because if this is the case then he can put some dry socket paste into the extraction site so it will heal properly.
Reply:I don't know if the tooth you had removed was a molar or front. At any rate I had 6 teeth extracted 7/10 and like you one of the teeth I had removed felt like it was still there. I went back to the oral surgeon who told me everything was fine, stay on the antibiotics and just double up on pain meds. Ha! Hated taking the pain meds so I called my regular dentist who had me come in. He stated he had never heard of someone with a dry socket in front but was reasonably sure that's what it was. It is now 2 week's later and after two rounds of antibiotics, numerous trips to the oral surgeon and my regular dentist it has started to calm down. I did have a dry socket. I would insist my dentist see me. You should not have that pain!

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