Monday, April 27, 2009

Tooth Extraction??

I am having a tooth extraction soon and I am really worried about the pain. Especially about the shot they give you to numb your mouth. I am getting laughing gas before hand and I bought a Benzocaine oral anesthetic yesterday (the ones they sell in the store) so I can apply it to my gums just before they inject me with the shot. I would like to know how much it will hurt and how the procedure will be done. I would also like to know how much time it would take for the extraction procedure and cleaning up, etc' and how many days I will have to rest to recover. Also, what could I take for the pain?

Should I just get an IV? I am in huge terror!!! I hate needles!

Tooth Extraction??
Okay, first of all you need to calm down and breathe. It's not that bad. He will numb your gum before he gives you the shots so you will only feel a small pinch, if anything at all. After he gives you the shots (I only had two) he will let you get numb. Don't worry, he will kind of mess (gently) with the tooth a bit to see how numb you are. If you're not that numb, he will give you more anesthetic. He will then use this little tool, I believe I read somewhere that it's called an elevator, I could be wrong. He will push the tooth down to loosen it up. After he has loosened it up, he will take his pliers (I'm sure there's a more sophisticated name for them but that's what I'm going to call them lol) and start pulling. My dentist kind of twisted it from side to side and I think around in a circle or so. I promise you it does not hurt and it takes about five minutes for an easy extraction. Since you didn't say it was a complicated one then it should take about that long or maybe even less. Just tell your dentist that you're nervous and he/she should walk you through it and ask you if you're doing okay through out the whole procedure.

I had a tooth extracted on Wednesday morning and I feel 100% better, minus the fact that I need some fillings adjusted. It will bleed for a bit but they should give you some gauze and instructions on how to care for it afterwards. Please follow these instructions because they are very important. They will help prevent infections and the dreaded dry socket. If you're confused about something, ask questions. If you get home and you don't know, call them and ask...that's their job. They will be more than happy to help you and if you need to see your dentist again, they should squeeze you in in between patients or so :).
Reply:if you are getting gas before hand you wont even care about the needle before they give it to you, you mgiht even tell them to go ahead and take all of your teeth while they are at it.
Reply:I too am afraid of needles and have been in the same dilemma as you are now. The best advice I can give you is stay calm. Think about something peaceful, close your eyes. Relax. Dental injections aren't nearly as bad as normal ones. Tell your dentist about your phobia. They are there to help you. After all who's paying them? Just relax and everything will be all right. Once you have had the shot you won't feel a thing. Hope everything goes well and whatever you do don't panic.
Reply:I was scared the first tooth extraction but when it was over I was so relieved! The pain you experience from the dentist is so much better than living with a toothache everyday. It's not that bad, Trust Me! I was back to work the next day.
Reply:Needles with novacaine provide instant releif, at the very second the needle touches your gums, that area goes numb. I thought the same thing as you "Oh crap, a needle in my gums, this will hurt," but I didnt even feel a thing. Dont worry sweety :)

Procedure takes about 30-45 mins
Reply:Sorry to break the news but you asked.The Novocaine will numb your lips ,tong, and gums,but the pain will be felt way down in your jawbone.It should not take more than an hour in most cases,and you should be fine the next day.
Reply:the anesthetic will be the most painful part. the operation will probably be uncomfortable, but its survivable! you should not eat solid foods the first day. the second day you should be fine its not as bad as getting wisdom teeth taken out:) use motrin for the pain...also dont look at the needle, remember if its out sight its out of mind and it shouldnt be a fear you should let overwhelm you...sometimes our body goes into shock and sometimes the fear of the needle is actually more painful than the needle itself!!
Reply:Unless it's a wisdom tooth it's unlikely to be a big deal. I had injections for one extraction (the rest were done under gas which knocked me out so I can't tell you much). There was a fair bit of straining and pressure but it didn't really hurt. It doesn't hurt that much but you have to look after the clot. This was an ordinary molar mind (pre molar I think not a big tooth).
Reply:Are you getting your premolar pulled or molar? Extraction of molar is quite involved, with sedation, stitches, pain, possible bruising, and inconvenience. If it's premolar, then I'm here to tell you the good news.

Getting your premolar pulled is as plucking a flower. LoL. Well, not exactly but you'll feel NOTHING! There is virtually no pain afterwards (yes, I know that's hard to believe, but it's true)! Please do not take any anti-inflammatory or pain medicines beforehand -- they prevent clotting, which could result in more bleeding. So, take no Advil (ibuprofen), no Tylenol (acetaminophen), and no aspirin beforehand! If you take a regular dose of an anti-inflammatory medication for arthritis or other chronic condition, tell your dentist!

I had my 2 lower premolars pulled (for braces) before and I didn't feel A THING! I was surprised when my ortho said you're done, dear. I thought she hasn't even touch the tooth!! But yea, getting injection hurt a bit. Not really but the pain is like a deep pain. You won't feel needle going through your gum. It feels weird. You'll get 2 injections for each tooth extraction. Anyway, you don't need to get an oral anesthetic because ur dentist will put some kind of gel (mine was flavored grape!) around the area of the tooth that will be extracted before the injection (but bring the oral anesthetic with you in case your dentist don't do what my ortho did to me). I don't know what exactly the gel does but I think it numbs your mouth because when my ortho ask me to spit the gel out, I couldn't do it properly because I couldn't move my mouth. So, I guess yea.

For the most part, just relax. ;P

Good luck, Tati!

BTW I'm 14.

HillMeRa :DD

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