Monday, May 17, 2010

Abcessed tooth extraction?

i had my front tooth removed two days ago as i had a severe abcess the dentist drained off the pus and build up of bacteria in the abcess and now i feel better! the only thing is my cheek is still puffy and my eye still aches would there still be an infection there as i feel very tired with it! the antibiotics i was on when i had the abcess didnt work as it made the swelling worser thats why i had the tooth out! please help any idears!!!

Abcessed tooth extraction?
Keep taking ibuprophin and if it hasn't stopped swelling in about a week, you may need to go back and get on a stronger antibiotic.
Reply:Hard to tell from here. You shouldn't expect to be completely back to normal after only 2 days, and it's also possible that there's still some infection left, or just dead pus that hasn't drained out yet.

At any rate, call your dentist for them to take another look.
Reply:I have lost a tooth through an abcess...not very nice!!! take ibuprofen reduces inflammation....if you ok to take..
Reply:No sounds like he did his job but you need time to heal.

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