Friday, May 21, 2010

Tooth extraction plz help calm my nerves!!!?

hi. im thirteen years old and im getting my tooth extracted tomorrow and im really scared. idk wutz gonna happen 2 me and everyone is really scaring me! plz help...and no jokes plz!!!

Tooth extraction plz help calm my nerves!!!?
hello there how are you????

well to start of i just want to say that i hope it goes well for you hope you dont freak out too much

well an answer to your question just try to think of something else and keep your eyes closed (just close your eyes and relax think of something happy )if you keep thinking about what might happen then you are going to stress yourself out

once again hope it all goes well

Reply:they'll numb the whole area they're working on and you won't feel a thing :)
Reply:You will get an injection to numb the pain so you will not feel a thing.

Keep your eyes open if possible - it helps.

Good Luck -
Reply:it doesn't hurt a bit, just think of happy thoughts like happy gilmore did when he had calm his nerves
Reply:no joke, keep your eyes open, but seriously, DO NOT look down. the sight of the.. teeth and the dentist, etc... will creep you.

They will give you numbing medicine that will make you not feel it. I'm 13 too, and I had 6 of my teeth pulled for braces, and it didnt hurt at all.

Relax it will be fine =)
Reply:They will numb you and that only feels like a pinch. Then you will be numb. They will pull your tooth. That's it.

he will tell you too put cold compresses on it will make it not swell. You take motrin, or advil. as told. I promise it is not that bad.

Do what the dentist says.

P.S. :)
Reply:Its nothing to worry about. Make sure that you tell your dentist that you are afraid and I am sure that he will do his best to make it as easy on you as possible. The first thing the dentist should do is put some numbing cream on the area where he will be putting the novacaine needle. This should make the injection almost painless. Once the novacaine takes affect, you will not feel a thing. You may be a bit sore afterward, but if you follow the directions of the dentist exactly, you should be okay. The idea to think happy thoughts is a really great one.
Reply:hey girl - u ans my q abt gum swollen - listen

i just had my root canal yesterday - it is similar to toothextraction, only better - you knw why? cause with this, they take only the root out you can FEEL the drill

with a tooth extraction, they will numb you but listen a tip - always say i still have feeling even after i dont - just a little extra numbing they will do

after that you are in heaven they can cut your whole mouth up and you wont feel a thing

as for the nerves, pls bring ur ipod - i did, get lost in a song, and know you will not feel any pain

lots a love

trust me im a teenager n i went to the dentist yesterday after dreading like an idiot for so long

that tooth is whats causing u problems - after its gone ull be all good babes

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