Monday, May 17, 2010

Tooth Extraction Question?

Hi Yesterday I got two premolars extracted to get room for braces next week. Today I notice a white thing on one of them. I'm scared to touch it. Is it a stitch? (Don't remember getting one and don't even know how it feels as that area was numbed) It's not food (eaten nothing but congee which dissolves) and it couldn't possibly be a tooth because it was an adult tooth pulled out.. I'm worried. Any idea what it is?

Tooth Extraction Question?
I used to run a free dental clinic. We had 8 dentists work for us. I also used to work for an orthodontist.

When tissue in the mouth is healing, it often turns white. Don't worry about it, keep following the extraction directions (eg. holding salt water in your mouth and not swishing every few hours or more) and don't touch it. Your hands can carry infection. If you follow the directions they gave you exactly, you will heal just fine.
Reply:My husband had a tooth pulled and he had the same thing. I think it is your mouth healing. Try web md its a great site to look for answers =)
Reply:dont worry it could be a bit of broken tooth or a fragment of bone it will work its way out and be fine,just keep rinsing your mouth out with a antiseptic mouth wash
Reply:Sometimes, bone fragments work their way to the gum surface after teeth are extracted. My grandmother had to have a lot of her teeth extracted at one time and she said that for years afterward, these little fragments would periodically come to the surface of her gums and she had to go to her dentist to get them taken out.
Reply:Hope this link helps you with all information regarding your teeth.Try out for more details.

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