Monday, May 17, 2010

Post tooth extraction?

I had a tooth pulled out 5 days ago, and everything seems to be going fine. It's just that because where the tooth was (behind the top front teeth), I've had difficulty eating and drinking. The problem is that whenever I do eat or drink something, a while later, this clear gunky stuff appears on my teeth, it's like thick saliva. Is this appearing because of the way I've had to eat in order to avoid the hole near my pallette, or it something else? I've drank a lot of water hoping this would alleviate the problem, but I get the same thing. Has anyone else had this?

Post tooth extraction?
You might have a fistula forming between your nasal cavity/maxillary sinus and your mouth. Test by holding your nose and trying to blow gently through it - if air escapes into your mouth then you need to get some treatment. It's common after upper extractions but thankfully, only in rare cases, is it persistent. Avoid hard nose blowing for 10 days and you may need antibiotics to prevent infection and the communication becoming permanent.
Reply:healling juices is waht that is eat on other side as much as you can it will stop soon if not go back to doc
Reply:Make sure you swill your mouth with salty water after eating anything.
Reply:You're healing...relax, keep your mouth clean ( Rinse after each meal ) and in about 2 weeks all will be well
Reply:I don,t think you should post it to anyone,who on earth would want one of your old teeth? just throw it in the bin.
Reply:eat on other side and use salt and water boil kettle and leave till medium hit then gargle with it
Reply:give it 3 weeks it should be gone

i know how you feel

hiking boots

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