Monday, November 16, 2009

Hole remains in gum nearly 1 year after wisdom tooth extraction.?

I had two of my wisdom teeth extracted nearly a year ago. One was poking out and was a breeze compared to the other which was hidden deep. The hidden one obviously hurt much more than the other during recovery but all went well, so I was told. A week or so after the extraction I had my stiches taken out...I felt that it might have been too soon for them to be taken out, at least on the side of the hidden tooth...but couldn't stand the feeling of them anymore so just went ahead without saying anything. Time passed and the one tooth (the easy one) healed over and all is well, but the hidden one never quite healed over. Months passed, and now nearly a year, and there is still a hole from where the tooth was removed. No pain at all, just a hole that collects food and who knows what. I called the surgeon's office once and they said it takes time, but how long? I would like to go back to their office and make them look, but can't as I live in FL now, far from VT. What do I do?

Hole remains in gum nearly 1 year after wisdom tooth extraction.?
Leaving sutures in place for more than a week can actually worsen a problem because they are no longer needed to hold the healing tissue together and act as a foreign body. I always remove sutures (in the mouth) after 5 days. So you weren't wrong to get them out.

This hole is, I'm sorry to say, normal anatomy if the tooth you had removed was deeply buried. After a year it is unlikely that you will get much more bone remodelling and you will either have to live with it or have a surgeon remodel the bone (which is not difficult, incidentally). In any event it is important that you use a single-tufted toothbrush every day to clean the hole out.

I know this is an annoying problem, but will not cause any long-term harm.

I hope this helps.
Reply:You should get that checked out...I don't think that should be...I've had all four of mine removed and the hole closed..he may have not stitched you up right...get it checked out ASAP
Reply:Go to the dentist, then go to a doctor for a diabetes check. I had one pulled and it did the same thing then I went into diabetic coma due to high blood sugar....Diabetes causes slow or no healing...Be checked
Reply:yes, that is the common dilemma to everyone having his tooth extracted. but i tell you, it will heal over time. those inner teeth that are extracted normally takes long time to flatten because it is not normally exposed for chewing foods.eventhough we don't want our gums to be used in chewing, it is actually good if you want to flatten it out andmake the tooth hole disappear.
Reply:I reckon the first answer is right you know, they may well have failed to suture the hole properly. Go to a GP for a health and diabetes check as the second answer says, it won't do any harm! But if there is no infection or problem I reckon it might be that its healed like that

you probably lost some bone when the tooth was extracted,maybe it was a traumatic extraction,i suspect it will heal on its own.if not you could visit an oral surgeon who will x ray and check it.he may advise to make some bone augmentation.

mike taylor dental life

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