Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tooth extraction tomorrow?

hi everybody...i'm going to have a tooth extraction tomorrow...because i'm going to do braces...

so i'm really very the injection of anaestasia painful? once anaestasia is injected...will i feel any pain when the docotr is extracting? i'm really realy very very scared....IS IT PAINFUL? everyone keeps saying that only pressure will be felt...what is the pressure like?

i'm really terrified of the pain...because the doctor is like extracting a healthy tooth so it's rooted inside the gums....and the doctor is going to yank it out just like that? i'm scared...will there be pain? how does the pressure feels like?

Tooth extraction tomorrow?
i had 4 permanent teeth pulled and after my gums hrt really bad. and like when u get the numbing then like u mouth feel huge! adn liek kept biting my lip and after it went away they were all dry and chapped!!
Reply:hi worries....i have had 13 teeth pulled plus two wisdom teeth (it's a long story but basically my baby teeth wouldn't fall out so they pulled them a few at a time). It's really not as bad as you think it will be. You go there and everyone is so nice because they know that you are scared. You sit in the chair and they give your's not anymore painful than any other type of shot. You will wake up, most likely in another room on a cot and will not have felt a thing! If they are not putting you to sleep and only using laughing gas it's still no big will be able to hear what's going around you but you still won't feel anything. You're whole body will tingle like when your leg falls asleep. Try imagining that you are drifting on a cloud and just relax. You won't feel anything here either. The most important thing to remember for your recovery is NO STRAWS! and no extremes of either hot or cold things the first day....pudding, milkshakes with spoons only, warm chicken soup, stuff like that. Good luck and don't worry...I know you'll do just fine!!!!!
Reply:I just had a tooth extracted in Dec. Its not as bad as you'd think. The injections stings a little but not alot. The doctor will keep asking and make sure you cant feel it as he works. I didnt feel any pain as far as pulling the tooth...You feel ALOT of tugging and at time it will pull y our chin toward the doc as hes pulling. The sound is prob the worst. You hear the tooth being pulled...But it doesnt hurt at all. Just make sure you dont drink out of a straw or smoke like they said. You will get a "Dry Socket" . When you suck it will remove the blood clot that protects the nerve. That is VERY painful. Try not to chew anything just sip. I made the mistake of trying to eat a hamburger when my mouth was still numb, and i chewed the inside of my cheek up. I hope this helps. Its really not as bad as your mind is making it. You will survive!
Reply:I have had a few pulled, and the shot might give a sharp pinch at first and then that is it! Pressure is all you will feel. Count to 5 and you are done! You probably won't have much pain following, but take a tylenol or something an hour before, and take one @ 4 hrs after (I have done this, it works!) He may give something stronger, but only use it as a last resort! He will give specific follow up exactly what he says!!!!! You will be just fine : )

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