Saturday, November 14, 2009

What's Tooth Extraction Like??


I just found out that I'm going to have to have a tooth extraction, because I have these two baby teeth that won't come out. I'm completly freaked out because I have no idea what it's gonna be like, cause I've never had a cavity or anything like that. Has anyone had a tooth extraction and can tell me what it's like???

Thanks!!! :D

What's Tooth Extraction Like??
Yes, I had one last year. Not bad, really. You either have novocaine (which I had) , or they put you out, so you don't feel anything except the shots.

If you are awake, you only feel the pressure or tugging of the dentist taking the tooth out. Afterwards, your tongue will want to go to those places for awhile. Since it is baby teeth, you should have replacements soon. Mine wasn't a baby tooth, so it's just more room in the back of my mouth. :)
Reply:Just like pulling teeth! It will go so fast you will wonder why I waited so long. The gums will heal up in a week or two. And not hurt a bit! So I took a little liberty with the last one.
Reply:yep sure can a tooth extraction is a rather simple procedure you will get your needle and within a few mins your dentists will be pulling out your tooth it takes only a few mins once the needle has kicked in.

goodluck think good thought all will be fine i bet

i had my wisdom tooth pulled 3 days ago
Reply:Not to terribly awful,for real, actually not that bad at all, relax and let the dentist do his thing, most pain is experienced on the front end, the numbing process, although a lot of stress is associated with the extraction itself. Don't sweat it, for real, it's not that bad.
Reply:Traditionally.. PAINFUL.

But, modern day dental.. not so bad. It is not comfortable for sure.. but it no open heart surgery either.

Talk to your dentist, and I am sure they'd be more than happy to explain to you their procedure.

Don't worry too much.
Reply:i got my front tooth pulled 3 or so years ago it hurt like hell and bleed for a few hours but now it's fine but a yer later a lump appeared on the gum where it was and i pulled on it to reveal a peice of tooth that made its way out by it's self now all good
Reply:With each person having a different pain tolerance, answering your question could be tricky. How old are you? My daughter is 13 and still losing teeth. When baby teeth start out they have roots, as you grow and the permanant teeth start to push up, the roots are dissolved. Sound like you must still have some roots if the dentist wants to remove them. I have had 4 teeth extracted. My dentist started by numbing the area with a gel so I couldnt feel the needle. Then he numbed the area with a needle so I couldn't feel it deep inside (which is good trust me). Then he simply pulled them out, you feel something moving around, but no pain. after the first day or two, you can completly deal with it, just need to be carefull until the hole heals.
Reply:I can help !!

It doesnt hurt at all bad you just feel presure..Its a really quick procedure..If you have a needle it does take a little while longer .. You'll be fine .. Just Relax You'll Be Fine !

Good Luck %26lt;33 x x

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