Saturday, November 14, 2009

Tooth extraction/dry socket question?

I had a tooth extracted yesterday, and have been reading my after care instructions. I keep seeing mention of a blood clot, but I don't think I have one. Is the hole where the tooth used to be supposed to have a blood clot in it that I can feel with the tip of my tongue, or is the clot deeper in the hole? I'm not in any pain, no fever, bleeding, etc. Where exactly is the blood clot? It's still early's been only 12 hours or so since the extraction. Does the clot form later or something?

Tooth extraction/dry socket question?
If you are not bleeding now than a clot has probably formed but is likely deeper than you can feel. Roots are much longer than we think. But try not to keep poking your tongue in the hole!

When I had my wisdom teeth out, they showed me an aftercare movie while I was still so groggy that it did not sink in at all; (it struck me at the time how nonsensical that was) Then in the following days my well-meaning mother in law kept bringing me drinks with a straw which I found out later was a big no-no because any kind of suction can dislodge the clot. So I ended up with a dry socket. Fortunately I had some good pain meds, and I just had to take them a bit longer because of the dry socket.

Moral of the story: don't drink with a straw! Or smoke if you are a smoker.
Reply:When I had my wisdom tooth pulled, I couldn't feel the clot, so I would think it's further down where the root used to be.
Reply:I am not sure about the clot, but I know what dry socket feels like. It is really painful, but quickly cured. I know you said you don't have any pain, but just in case you do, use a syringe of warm water to wash out the open hole where your tooth used to be. When food gets in there, it irritates it terribly. I had dry socket over a weekend and the dentist didn't give me a syringe. By Monday, I was miserable and when I showed up at the dental office, it took about 1 minute to squirt water in there and the relief was immediate. Hope this helps.
Reply:don't worry about the clot. It may just be blood that's coagulated around your stitches. As for dry sockets, you'd know if you had them, they are painful. Clots will form sometimes, that's normal. If pain or fever develops consult your doctor or oral surgeon though.


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